1. Take some time to think about your topic. Now write down what you know about it.
2. How interested are you in this topic? Circle the answer that best matches your interest.
Not at all not much quite a bit a great deal
3. How much do you know about this topic? Circle the answer that best matches how much you know.
Nothing not much quite a bit a great deal
4. When you do research, what do you generally find easy to do? Please list as many things as you like.
I generally find it relatively easy to locate books that are relevant to my topic
Find useful information within the source
Find sources that cover both sides of the argument/topic
5. When you do research, what do you generally find difficult to do? Please list as many things as you like.
I sometimes find it difficult to locate useful articles in databases. I think this could be because I don't construct appropriate search terms as I rarely use boolean operators.
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