1. Take some time to think about your topic. Now write down what you know about it.
I now have a deep understanding of the terms guided inquiry, inquiry based learning from a science perspective and information literacy. Also I know how to effectively implement a science based inquiry experience into the curriculum. I also know how to perform searches utilising Boolean operators.
2. How interested are you in this topic? Check one box that best matches your
Not at all not much quite a bit a great deal
3. How much do you know about this topic? Check one box that best matches how
much you know.
Nothing not much quite a bit a great deal
4. Thinking back on your research project, what did you find easiest to do? Please list as
many things as you like.
I found it quite easy to perform searches in the library catalogue and in Google. I also found it easy to write my literature review. This is because I had a large amount of information on the topic as a result of seeking information from a wide variety of sources and search engines.
5. Thinking back on your research project, what did you find most difficult to do? Please
list as many things as you like.
The thing that I found most difficult to do was to find information the best matched my topic as sometimes I need to rephrase my search term several times in order to find suitable sources.
6. What did you learn in doing this research project? Please list as many things as you
I learnt about guided inquiry which was a term I only knew little about before commencing this research project. Also I learnt how to use Google Wonderwheel which was a search function that I had previously not heard of and had never performed a search in this tool. I also learnt about the term information literacy which again I had not previously heard of. Finally I learnt how to use the blogging tool Blogger. I had never created a blog before and found the process of creating a blog to be quite an interesting experience.
Hi Helen!
ReplyDeleteI am impressed with your Blog, it provides very in depth explanations of your ISP. I really like the way you put your detailed ISP into Kuhlthau's ISP Model, the table provides a very clear and succinct overview. Also, your concept map of possible search terms provides a visual representation that I find very helpful when trying to think of other possible search terms.